Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blood Brothers

The many comebacks and put-downs have finally come back to haunt me. My two closest friends have, after years of torment decided to act to end the relentless dissing i have inflicted upon their puny little selves. Their plan revolves around the "united we stand" principle and so they have, effectively, joined forces. 
Their 'pact' involves them never siding with me when another member is insulted as well as joining forces in some pathetic effort to put me down. So desperate are these foolish children that they have even gone to the extent of 'recruiting' friends from my other circles of friends. Succeeding on another four occasions. The headcount as of now in the 'Unite Against Nabil' scheme stands at 6 people.

Kudos to them i say. This just gives me more subjects to work on my material with.