Friday, May 8, 2009

A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation

It truly is a pity that we can’t see ourselves from others perspectives.
It would save us a lot of time, heartache and effort. It would deter us from living under this fallacy, this charade of an existence.

The fact of the matter is that with human perspectives so volatile and relationships so finicky, the slightest jolt can send ripples that no soul should have to endure.
The line between friend and acquaintance is of too low a gauge to be toyed with. Yet we continue to do so. Testing the boundaries. Pushing ourselves until the line has been played with for far too long. Torn apart in mere moments. Trust is destroyed and reputations tarnished. We are left. Picking up the pieces. Wondering what went wrong. When through it all we never feared the worst. We never wondered 'what if'. Optimism. But at what cost? 

Is it all worth it? Is the effort taken to rebuild such fragile relationships in vain? While the repercussions may continue to reverberate, must they be a bane of any coexistence that will come to follow? The end question is should we change to fit into the shoes others feel we look best in? Is that person worth the change?  

Is ANYBODY worth it?

Mulling these over is no simple task. Answering them, even harder. 
Why must society be so fragile?
Man is a social creature they say. I beg to differ.
Existentialist? No.
We are antisocial at best.

It is only when you bend to clear up the shards of the mirror in which you once saw your reflection and see yourself in its cracks do you realise the true nature of what you once held in such high esteem.

After all, a clown without his face-paint is just a poorly dressed fool in big shoes.


::phoenixnoir:: said...

Nicely written. I applaud you.

Iman. said...

what are you trying to say babe? get to the point. this is why you would've never survived 4U.

Shaahima said...

Amen brother...amen.

Y said...

my brain does not function past 12 midnight. hence everything i just read went over my head. (: