Friday, May 8, 2009


apparently ms iman azman thinks that i am snuffleuphagus. because i always look stoned and i have long eyelashes. ms iman azman is always right. 


Iman. said...

you do look like snuffleuphagus. you're both weird looking.

Alia Nadhirah said...

iman azman IS always right:) congratulations for admitting so.

Anonymous said...

well, yes, you do look stoned, and, just because you have long eyelashes, it doesn't mean you look pretty, or good looking in anyway, DON'T get the wrong impression please.

Jowee said...

hahahahah hello snuffleuphagus!

Y said...

i love how iman is right.
remember everyone is right except you.

this is what happens when you make me comment past my bedtime .. nothing i say makes sense. (: