Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wherein Lies Continue


That’s what we are. We are neither personalities nor souls. We are not individuals of various schools of thought or groups of lost beings. We are... just faces.
We are the faces we wear. We are just as superficial, we are just as cold and we are just as heartless.

On a daily basis we don these visages. These faces, worn as though they were merely another item of apparel. Kept on a shelf, hung from a hook or strewn across the messiest of rooms. Each waiting till they hear their call.

Work face, play face, hi-nice-to-meet-you-face, yes-tap-dancing-should-be-revived-face.

Do we mean what we say? Not in the least. We have these faces just to bluff our way through yet another day of fallacies. We are too cowardly for honesty, too fearful for candour, too wary of what the side effects of sincerity may be. When have we felt that criticism would trump the most deceitful of compliments?

Even with the closest of our friends we are wary of the words we utter. Worried more about how the person in question would react to the truth than the results of being caught in the act of insincerity. Truth, it seems, has been lost in this web of deceit we have spun around ourselves. A web that, not only gives the illusion of protection from the harsh realities of the world out there, but also prevents us from getting truly close to anyone. A web that suffocates our souls.

Society deems politicians to be creatures of deceit.

We are all politicians. We all are fighting for that vote.
Red Button. Blue Button.
Democrat. Republican.
Friend. Enemy.

How are we any different?

Why has honesty been reduced to nothing more than a last resort?


::phoenixnoir:: said...

You seem to always give the answer first then by the end you pose the question you've already answered.

Truth be told, honesty leaves us vulnerable. When we put our hearts on our sleeves, we're likely to get it broken with no sense of security and/or guarantee that it might be placed back again. And that leaves us with practically no choice but to conform to what society believes is the best policy.

We can spout off stupid nonsense like we should never lie, cheat, drink or steal but we do that on a regular basis. No matter how high your morals are or how religious you are, you're always going to be sinking into that quick sand with no hopes of getting out. And that's what honesty gets you. A free 'forever' pass to the pits of deceit.

If this doesn't make any sense then just as well. 6 30 in the morning is not a good time to comment on such a post.

Good one btw, as always.

Word verification is...retegh. Sounds horrible

Iman. said...

you know, everytime i read your posts, i feel myself slowly sliting my wrists. i don't know why that is!

what a gruesome thought.

Y said...

you know this reminds me of this poem we did in school, "Once Upon A Time" written by Wole Soyinka i think .. its about how when you become an adult .. life becomes about masks and empty words and gestures .. i guess when we grow up we are scared to wear our heart on our sleeve and let people in for the fear of being hurt .. or maybe because its each man for himself .. human beings are selfish .. i mean anyone would want to see themselves and their loved ones happy .. and so will go to any lengths to achieve that ..


anyways good stuff!

GossipGuy said...

I used to be idealistic once, but the wear-and-tear of the real world has eroded most of that away. That said, a tap dancing revival sounds fantastic!

Shaahima said...

We set out at first with the intention of purity, but like hot water to cold water...we are overridden, outnumbered. And hence we succumb.
We conform, until the real deceit is in telling the truth.