Ok so this is an anti-smoking rant, so for all you smokers feel free to express your opinions but don't pounce on me for speaking my mind.
Actually, correction this is not so much an anti smoking rant but an anti-'certain-type-of-smoker' rant. I speak of none other than those smokers who feel the need to justify this action of theirs. I don't judge those who smoke nor does my opinion of someone change when i find out that they smoke. I am also of the opinion that whatever reason you started smoking is your thing. Its your prerogative.
What just gets on my nerves is when people try and justify it with completely bogus stuff like "no no smoking doesn't really cause cancer" and all that. They go out looking for stuff on the internet proving their stubborn beliefs. It's the internet! As much as I'm in love with it and all, I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find that there is some weird sect in a remote part of papa new guinea with a very convincing argument on how ATM's are in fact Alien Time Machines. In my honest opinion you have to be some major pansy arse little boy to be naive enough to think that what you find on the internet is all true. In fact don't you think its a bit odd that while YOU believe that smoking is not harmful for health tobacco companies don't have problems with that big warning on their product. That's not exactly what reverse psychology is about if that's what you're thinking. It goes without saying that tobacco companies would have paid the best folk to go down every possible avenue of inquiry to find a way out of that oh-so-subtle warning being slapped onto their packs.Whats more I think its more than just a coincidence that the papers on how smoking isn't bad for you are written by smokers themselves. You might as well have gotten Hannibal Lecter to write a paper on the benefits of cannibalism (Accompanied by a complimentary recipe book for human meat, naturally)
To me, if you're doing something wrong at least muster up a pair and man up to it. How low does your self esteem have to be for you to actually put forth such a flimsy argument and actually believe a word of your own feeble excuse for a justification.
"Cigarette smoking never killed anyone." For my part, that has as much credibility as the "guns don't kill people, people do" argument.
Basically what i'm saying is i have no problems with people smoking and i dont judge those who do, "butt" (sorry, couldn't resist) my problems lie with those who get me all riled up The few that, to make up for their own insecurities envelop themselves in a bubble of deciet based upon the false ideology that smoking is not harmfull for health.
I mean seriously, would you stick your mouth onto a car exhaust and take a nice long wiff? I think not.
The Hannibal Lecter sentence got a thumbs up and a grin from me. Spesherly the whole recipe thing. Good post. I agree with most everything you wrote down.
Hey I changed my blog add nabil . .
my friend told me ATM stood for At The Mortuary and i believed him :$
BUT now i know it stands for Automated Teller Machine .. *sigh* i get smarter by the day!
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